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Automation Infrastructure Engineer

Designs, deploys, and maintains automation infrastructures.

When companies adopt automation with UiPath, there are countless ways to combine the products and deploy them: in cloud, on-premises as a platform, on-premises as individual products, and hybrid. Automation Infrastructure Engineers have to be able to analyze the infrastructure requirements, design the architecture according to the solution specs and the company's policies, then deploy, maintain and upgrade it.

flying robotAutomation Infrastructure Engineer responsibilities
  • Analyze infrastructure requirements (applications in scope, license size, availability requirements).

  • Analyze deployment prerequisites.

  • Document the infrastructure deployment plan.

  • Design the infrastructure architecture based on the collected requirements and the company's policies, and document them in architecture diagrams.

  • Deploy the infrastructure fabric.

  • Work with appropriate teams to request and configure appropriate resources, certificates, configurations for the infrastructure.

  • Deploy the applications in scope.

  • Test the infrastructure and applications.

  • Monitor, repair, and upgrade the infrastructure and applications, as needed.

UiPath RPA knowledge and automation skills
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and business automation basics.

  • The UiPath Platform components.

  • The UiPath delivery options: Automation Cloud, Automation Suite, standalone product installation, hybrid.

  • UiPath licensing.

UiPath Robot Cartoon

Depending on the company's maturity with the UiPath technology, there are two distinct skillsets which Automation Infrastructure Engineers need to master. Depending on them, the prerequisites and career progression may look very different: 

Automation Infrastructure Engineer with UiPath Automation Suite

They are able to design, deploy, maintain, and upgrade infrastructures holding the entire UiPath Platform and its components, built on Linux and Kubernetes. This infrastructure is a must for companies looking to get the full benefits of automation in all its flavors (UI automation, API automation, test automation), as well as the associated technologies (process mining, task mining, and so on). 

Automation Infrastructure Engineer with standalone UiPath products

They are able to design, deploy, maintain, and upgrade infrastructures consisting of UiPath Orchestrator and one or several other UiPath products with different degrees of integration. This infrastructure can be a temporary solution for companies more focused on the value brought by the UiPath core RPA capabilities. 

Automation Infrastructure Engineer with UiPath Automation Suite career path

The infrastructure of automation solutions comes with specific challenges, but it also shares a common body of knowledge with regular, non-specialized enterprise infrastructure. Infrastructure Engineers looking to develop as Automation Infrastructure Engineers need consistent prior experience in designing, deploying, and maintaining software infrastructures, proficiency in using Linux and Kubernetes to configure storage and file systems and manage users and groups, as well as deploy, configure, and maintain core services and containerized applications. On top of this, they need to grasp networking concepts.

  • As a Junior Automation Infrastructure Engineer (0-2 years of experience), you can expect to work with more senior Engineers in analyzing requirements, as well as deploying, testing, and maintaining the infrastructures.

  • As a certified Automation Infrastructure Engineer (intermediate, 2-4 years of experience), you will carry out the entire range of activities listed above.

  • As a Senior Automation Infrastructure Engineer (4+ years of experience), you can expect to be more and more involved in the design of automation infrastructures.

Automation Infrastructure Engineerwith standalone UiPath products careerpath

The infrastructure of automation solutions comes with specific challenges, but it also shares a common body of knowledge with regular, non-specialized enterprise infrastructure. Infrastructure Engineers looking to develop as Automation Infrastructure Engineers need consistent prior experience in designing, deploying, and maintaining software infrastructures, proficiency in installing Windows server, configuring it, and managing files, permissions, devices, backups and applications. On top of this, they need to grasp networking concepts, administrate SQL servers, manage virtual machines, and manage users and machines with Active Directory.

  • As a Junior Automation Infrastructure Engineer (0-2 years of experience), you can expect to work with more senior Engineers in analyzing requirements, as well as deploying, testing, and maintaining the infrastructures.

  • As a certified Automation Infrastructure Engineer (intermediate, 2-4 years of experience), you will carry out the entire range of activities listed above.

  • As a Senior Automation Infrastructure Engineer (4+ years of experience), you can expect to be more and more involved in the design of automation infrastructures.

What is my learning journey as an Automation Infrastructure Engineer?
Circle 1

If you're totally new to enterprise infrastructure management, start with more general courses on Windows Server, networking concepts, virtual machines, SQL Server management, and Active Directory. Currently UiPath Academy doesn't offer such courses, but with a simple search you will find many resources.

Circle 2

The Automation Infrastructure Engineer learning plan: this will introduce automation, the UiPath Platform and UiPath Automation Suite, then teach you how to install, monitor, troubleshoot, and upgrade standalone UiPath Orchestrator.

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